
“Sodaman is infuriated, ever since Entity-X caused the Sodacalypse, making almost all of the sodas in the existence go flat, becoming bland and tasteless with the press of a button. Yet there are still some out there, untouched by this catastrophe and it is up to Sodaman himself to find them.”

“So many sodas, so little time.”
– Sodaman

Chug Sodas Down
Choose from a variety of soda powers across 9 different colors, mix, shake, add a little dash of fury and create the freshest builds found in this side of the universe.

Arm Yourself
Choose the weapon most suited to your playstyle and discover the most powerful synergies.

Augment Yourself
With six different body parts and over 50 cybernetic augments available for implementation, you’ll have endless options for character customization.

Meet the Crew
Relax between runs in your spaceship, meet new characters and explore more of the Sodaman universe.

“I’m here to drink soda and play Sodaman but I’m all out of soda.”
– A person who likes soda
